Tiendanimal: X-ray of the best ecommerce in Spain in 2020, with Belén Muñoz

Tiendanimal: X-ray of the best ecommerce in Spain in 2020, with Belén Muñoz

It is always nice to hear about the successes of our clients, especially when they comment on the importance and advantages that the App brings to their eCommerce.

Minute 19:00 of the interview: How do you work with customer acquisition?

The App is the most powerful in terms of recurrence and it is starting to be the second channel in acquisition.

We run discount campaigns on the app, we started to work it with specific promotions and it is working very well.

Minute 33:35 of the interview: Do you prefer the loyal audience to be on the app?

This is something very organic that we have noticed without running campaigns. We already had the app and in March 2020 it exploded without us doing anything, we saw that preference of users who wanted to have more ease and speed with the mobile, being easier to make the repeat order. We also have daily promotions with notifications.

Previously, email was the third most powerful channel and it has been surpassed by the app. For us it is the source of traffic with more sales, specifically 30% of turnover.

If you wish to see the full interview published in marketing4ecommerce magazine, click on the following button:

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