
Platform for creating mobile applications by Noelía Leiro, expert in Aso positioning and App marketing

Platform for creating mobile applications by Noelía Leiro, expert in Aso positioning and App marketing

Noelía Leiro is one of the gurus of our country in ASO positioning, App marketing and App business (to get more business through apps), today she talks about the RESKYT platform.

In her long career Noelía has become one of the best experts in the field of Apps, being a professor in App marketing in the best universities in Spain. Besides being a teacher, Noelía is Ceo and partner of Reskyt, where they offer a global service for Apps for ecommerce.

If you are thinking of acquiring an App for your business do not miss this tutorial where he tells us how to create mobile applications for eCommerce through the Reskyt platform, which have created the Apps of the TOP eCommerce in Spain: